Goodbye Shaz Clozet

12/21/2015 11:37:00 AM

Goodbye Shaz small online blog shop

The truth is..saya tak boleh commit selling baby stuff. For the future..maybe

I had my ups and downs while handling online business. Most of my customers is so sweet and only a little put me an off :)  Macam mana pun saya akan kembali selling baby stuff when the times is right and of coz the items is worthable for you guys.

As far now..cannot :(

Pengalaman selling memang best dan paling syok bila wrapping customers order comel-comel..i had creativity urge inside me i guess LOL

Sadly..this is the end

Shaz Handmade (personal) masih dikekalkan.

sob sob sob

For those who still remember SHAZ CLOZET branding..thanks again for the memories

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